Jabu Events a Conference Organizer based in Bangkok is proud! Because Colorbar chose Jabu Events to organize its amazing sales Conference! Colorbar is a cosmetic company from the USA with branches across the world. For instance, Jabu Events Conference Organizer planned and managed Colorbar India’s Sales Meet in Bangkok titled “The Power of Palat”. Colorbar is one of India’s Top beauty companies. Created in 2005, nowadays Colorbar is a rapidly expanding beauty brand with a broad global blanket through 65 exclusive stores, 900+ multi brand outlets and joining many partner chains.

Significantly, the Marriott Marquis hotel in Bangkok hosted the event. Meanwhile, over 3 days and included meetings on 2 days, a conference, product launches, team building activities, and a gala dinner! Altogether, each of the participants was given a makeover, evening party, awards night and more. Surprisingly, the Marriott’s Ballroom alone seats up to 1,300 guests in being one of the largest ballroom venues in Bangkok.

Without a doubt, This is was one crazy event where the CEO chooses to show the power of cosmetics by converting to a drag queen organized by Jabu Events. Even his own mother could not recognize him. Team Jabu Events thoroughly enjoyed working on this fun-filled event and is thankful to Colorbar for choosing Jabu Events as their agency for this event.

Give us a call or send us a message if you’re planning your next corporate event in Thailand. In the meantime check out some of our corporate event work:

Modicare Conference

Carvre Seven Convention 2019

JDA Thailand Summit Conference

Convergex Convention

And don’t forget to keep in touch with us through our Facebook page: Jabu Events

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